Safelink Wireless is Associated With and Known as:
Safelink Wireless is a service offered by TracFone Wireless, Inc. The customers needs to meet the some requirements to access the services. This specification depends on a Federal support plan and the Income Poverty Guidelines as set by the Government. The service is provided to only one person in family. The company provides the services such as Change Your Plan, Get Pending Minutes, Text Messaging, International Calling, Setup Voice Mail etc. TracFone Wireless is leading Non Contract cellular service provider in the United States. It provides services to more than 18.8 million customers.
Parent Company
TracFone Wireless Inc. is one of the largest
Prepaid Wireless service provider company located in the United States. The company is owned and operated by
America Movil. The corporation was established in the year 1996 in Miami, Florida with a name Topp
Telecom Inc. According to the year 2008, the company had total annual
Revenue of more than $9.50 billion and employs more than 500 employees. TracFone manufacture products and services under various brands including
Telcel America, Straight Talk, TracFone, Page Plus Celluar,
Net10 Wireless, simple
Mobile and safelink wireless. The provides services to more than 236 million mobile phone users. The company is operated as Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) to offer wireless services to different organizations including AT&T Mobility, U.S Cellular, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and Sprint Corporation. TracFone's logistic operations are managed by BrightPoint.
Safelink Wireless Services
The company offers services that include change your plan, international calling, welcome center, text messaging, get pending minutes and setup voice mail. The corporation has operations to more than 80,000 retailing stores. Safelink Wireless has major services in Hawaii, Puerto Rico & Alaska beside this the other locations are Atlanta, Chicago, Albama, Texas, Miami, Georgia, Florida, New York, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Houston. The online website services serve user to check status, reprint applications, submit documentation, technical support and update account.