POEA Contact Number and Email Address

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Contact POEA

For your convenience to contact POEA We have provided all possible information of POEA. You can contact POEA on the given phone number 722.11.44 / 722.11.55. To know the address location of POEA it is also presented here Blas F. Ople Building Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA Mandaluyong City. Contact them by sending email to POEA you will find an email address here info@poea.gov.ph. To know more about POEA, go to their website www.poea.gov.ph and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against POEA, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit POEA on the Given Address:

Blas F. Ople Building Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA Mandaluyong City

Contact POEA on the Given Contact Number:

722.11.44 / 722.11.55.

If the contact number or email address of POEA is incorrect, please tell us HERE

Send POEA Email on given Email Address:


Open POEA Website by given Website Address:


Was your query resolved after making call or sending email to POEA, tell us HERE

POEA is Associated With and Known as:

POEA short form of Philippine Overseas Employment Administration associates the world and in collaboration with all shareholders, promotes the origination and conservation of decent jobs for Filipino migrant workers, endorse their safety and defend their smooth re assimilation into Philippine society. POEA provides supremacy in administrating for world class workers (Filipino migrant).

POEA Constitutional Authorization

1. PD 797 (1982): POEA Secures the freedom of emigrant workers, publicize and Progress the abroad recruitment plan. 2. EO 247 (1987): Coordinate confidential sector sharing in employment and recruitment maintain registry of skills throughout abroad, protects leading terms of enrollment for OFWs. 3. RA 8042 (1995): Action in systems and information technology, Full acknowledgement, Free Trade, selective distribution. 4. RA 9422 (2007): Secures the rights of OFW as a worker and being human, Strengthened regulatory function.

POEA Regional Offices

POEA has got three regional offices, which are situated in 1. Davao for the Mindanao area 2. La Union for Luzon 3. Cebu for the Visayas region These Regional Expansion Units are located in, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, Baguio-Cordillera Administrative Region and Zambaonga, while as satellite offices are based in Calamba, Legaspi, Pampanga, Bacolod and Tacloban.

POEA Facilitation

Here are some of the POEA facilitation, such as, 1. POEA facilitates the deployment of workers hired through government-to-government arrangement 2. POEA Provides a system of worker’s registry 3. POEA develops and monitors markets and conducts market research 4. POEA evaluates and processes employment contracts, etc. POEA Worker’s Protection 1. POEA offers technical assistance in the drafting of bilateral and multilateral agreements 2. POEA provides repatriation assistance 3. POEA provides legal assistance to victims of illegal recruitment 4. POEA implements gender sensitive programs, etc.

POEA Social Media Web Site

Here we Provide you to some of the Official and Social Networking websites, POEA Facebook Web Address https://www.facebook.com/poea.official?ref=ts POEA Forum http://ofwforum.proboards.com/

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From Where to Get More Infomation of POEA:

Search in google POEA with the name Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, linkidin Pages and you will find more information on these pages. Search in google like POEA Google Plus Page.

Ask POEA for toll free:

When you call to POEA, ask for toll free number to enjoy charge free calling.

Calling POEA:

At the first step When you call to POEA please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on findbusinessaddress.com.

What was the discussion over the phone with POEA, Please express HERE

Mention Your Complaint/Comment/Review

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POEA Contact number, Address, Customer Service

Good day, I am trying to send an email to these two email addresses that are shown in the website. Connect@poea. Gov. Ph and info@poea. Gov. Ph, but none of them are working.

2/19/2025 9:24:52 AM