Contact Lothian Buses
For your convenience to contact Lothian Buses We have provided all possible information of Lothian Buses. You can contact Lothian Buses on the given phone number 0131 555 6363. To know the address location of Lothian Buses it is also presented here Annandale Street, Edinburgh. Contact them by sending email to Lothian Buses you will find an email address here . To know more about Lothian Buses, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Lothian Buses, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Lothian Buses is Associated With and Known as:
Lothian Buses is a publicly owned, largest municipal transport company operating in Lothian, Edinburgh and surrounding areas of Scotland. Lothian Buses provides the majority of bus services in Edinburgh. The company has extended the service area providing connectivity between villages, towns and sub urban areas. Special bus services are provided for airport and other tourist services. Lothian Buses has fleet of about 600 vehicles. The collaboration of Edinburgh tram service and Edinburgh bus service has resulted in comfortable journey for the passengers.
Operating Models of Lothian Buses
Modern fleet with high standards, main service fleet comprises of the following :
Single Deck: Some models are:
Volvo B7RLE with Wright
Eclipse 2 bodies
b. Volvo 7900 diesel-electric hybrids
c. Optare Solo SR, etc.
Double Decker: It includes:
a. Volvo B7TL with Plaxton President and Wright Eclipse
b. Gemini bodies
c. Scania OmniCity
d. Volvo B9TL with Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodies, etc.
Lothian Buses Services
Some of the services provided by the company are:
1. Day Bus Service: Includes more than 50 routes.
2. Night Bus Services: Provide services during night
3. Lothian Country Buses: Special services from East Lothian to the City Center
4. Air-link Bus Service: Dedicated service for airport.
The detailed information about the Lothian Buses Services can be had from
Availability of Lothian Buses on Social Media Platforms
Lothian Buses operates social media account to provide the latest information to the customers. The Customers can reach to the official accounts of the company through the following links.
Twitter Account Links of Lothian Buses
Facebook Account Links of Lothian Buses