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For your convenience to contact bakari sellers We have provided all possible information of bakari sellers. You can contact bakari sellers on the given phone number . To know the address location of bakari sellers it is also presented here Denmark, South Carolina. Contact them by sending email to bakari sellers you will find an email address here . To know more about bakari sellers, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

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Denmark, South Carolina

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bakari sellers is Associated With and Known as:

Bakari Sellers is a politician based in Denmark. He was born on September 18, 1984. Bakari Sellers is associated with the Democratic Party. He renders his services as Member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from the 90th district since 2006. Bakari Sellers pursued his education from Morehouse College (B.A., 2005) and University of South Carolina (J.D., 2008).

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4 points if trump cares about black try to remove votes suppression states must remove restrictions. If he cares about people HE MUST PAY OFF ALL THOUSANDS OF CREDITORS foundation must expand in USA for minorities by lobbying billionairs. Because of clintos charoties work POLLS ARE GOOD and MEDIA WANT TO CLOSE THEIRS popularity. TRUMP IS JALOUS OF CHARITIES WORK DONE, it looks like trp is playing role, but apel to investigate julian assange strictly. Fassge of us was working for russia worked for brexit have come to help, he is agent of putin, pl possibly alert clinton office staff trump can buy someone or gets infos, more overbe careful on this, we must hit onn taxes as he has foreign accounts in panama -russian attachments ukarain attachment and expand in geogia, s. Carolina, arizona, I have e-miled 64 nagetives of trump to 360 bu no respose atall pl tell h campaigen to put them in s, medias and EXPAND CHARITIES WORK to minorities.

8/25/2016 3:56:59 AM

Mr bakari pl tell them i have send 64 nagetives to clinton campaign to put in social media if you ahve e-mail address i e-mail you pl ferrage from london attended missisipi rally with trump is A AGENT OF PUTIN CHAMPION BREXIT so all media must be warn how low trump is going PL TELL OR SEND MASSAGE TO CLINTON SHE and HE MUST CONTINUE THE WORK OF CHARITIES EXPAND IN USA ASWELL LOBBYING BILLIONAIRS HELPING MINORITIESin USA MUST CONTINUE consevative medias have no knoledge of how trump is associated with russia, JULIAN ASSANGE of wikileak is aso link with russia. Clinton have charities in HER LIVES THEREFORE POLES HAVE RISEN and THAT HAS TO BE CONTINUED CONTINUED KEEPING MANGERS MUST GETS GOING.

8/25/2016 7:17:09 AM

Hi Mr Sellers You will be surprise to go line and type in Donald Trump Jr and read about him making a statement about Afican American are better off staying in SLAVERY because the white people Loves it ok.

8/31/2016 7:54:36 PM

First, let me say how much I admire you and your beliefs and how you carry yourself on your role on CNN. I think sometime my head is going to explode whenever I hear "the Donald" speak or his surrogates. My question is this: We know what he thinks about immigration. I've been voting since 1969 and have never heard anything like his B. S. Before. I thought Romney was bad. But why hasn' t anyone asked him what he would do with American criminals? What about the criminals who are American who may be contemplating mass murders or gang members born here who are thinking about their next victims? Where will he send them? I have to go throw up now while listening to his "so-called" speech on immigration or what probably should have been his convention speech and how after being so quiet while in Mexico today and back to being his same old self in front of his aupporters. Thank you and I will pray that he never becomes President.

9/1/2016 2:32:25 AM