Contact 10 Downing Street London
For your convenience to contact 10 Downing Street London We have provided all possible information of 10 Downing Street London. You can contact 10 Downing Street London on the given phone number +44-20-7925-0918. To know the address location of 10 Downing Street London it is also presented here 10 Downing Street, South West London, SW1A 2AA, United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to 10 Downing Street London you will find an email address here . To know more about 10 Downing Street London, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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10 Downing Street London is Associated With and Known as:
10 Downing Street, is a residence office of the two most senior British Cabinet ministers for more than two hundred years. 10 Downing Street situated in South West London, UK. It was founded by the Sir George Downing in 1680s. 10 Downing Street, the Location of British Prime Ministers since 1735, vies with the White House as being the most important governmental developing anywhere on the Globe in the contemporary era. The corresponding terms of 10 Downing Street London are David Cameron's address, David Cameron email address, address for Prime Minister of England, David Cameron office, contact number 10 downing street, David cameron Press office, 10 downing street London scandal and 10 downing street London facts. The address and contact number of 10 Downing Street London is also used for who lives at 10 Downing street London, 10 Downing street London facts, 10 Downing street London postcode, 10 Downing street London open house, 10 Downing street London floor plan and map 10 Downing street London.
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3/16/2018 12:28:54 AM
Please do not allow anyone back into our country who has fought against us
please do not allow anyone with dual nationality to become an MP
any one taking money off the country to live only gets it for 3yrs
after a doctor has to sign to say this person is incapable of looking after themselves or there families in the state they are in
no school can throw a child out of school before they are 17 if they do should have good course ie insane then they should be sectioned at an early stage in life before they can knife or made to knife another person we never had this problem before the tribal attitude came into England ie separate and rule that's
the logic of the greedy it does not work long term
you are seeing the first signs of tribal warfare
get rid of Ofstead and bring back the school board men police every middle and senior school in England every day like a steel rod make everyone conform all wear full uniform visible colours ie brown and gold/ black and red /
ofstead is to blame for kids being out of school they bring the schools ratings down.
3/11/2019 2:13:14 AM
O H HOW THE RHTORIC HAS FAILED, no deal, YOU NEVER MEANT A WORD YOU SAAID, YOU LIED REPETEDLY TO US A COUNTRY, AND WHEN A INNER STRENGTH AND DISCIPLINE WAS REQUIRED YOU SHIRKED YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. YOU WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS A WEAK AND SUBORDINATE LEADER TO THE e. U. And never again shall I vote, not for My ex tory party, but for no one, I wish you nothing for the future because you deserve nothing, you should never have been involved in the discussions, you are to weak and pathetic does not come close to describing you, as for your pension you do not deserve it.
3/19/2019 8:21:23 AM
Theresa. I am disgusted at the running of this country and Robbery of The People that I have been witnessing since i was a child I am appauled at you all in Westminster and Parliament. What are you on about with HAUWAI. Theresa you know they have been spying for the Chinese Government and you know that 5G is an Adjustable Battle field weapon a microwave weapon and mobile phone towers , etc are already causing us all Cancer. It is adjustable in Frequency so what are you doing . I am disgusted at you and all of you. We voted to leave the EU now sort it out before we all go WILD. Wishing you a nice weekend. On a personal note i believe that Pharmacyte Inc of America may be able to help you with your Diabetes. I do feel for you with this and hope they fix it for you. President Trump knows of them and can help you there just ask him, he knows who i am. Sincerely
James Collins.
4/26/2019 10:24:27 PM
I phoned Downing Street. Answerphone message left )time allowed for leaving message far too short) Anticipated reply not received. Permission sought to deliver by hand a letter to PM on Friday of this week. )Friday 14 June. Any time)
Please contact 01626 215107 or email)
Gordon Hook
Leader: Teignbridge District Council.
6/10/2019 2:36:46 AM
To whom it may concern the floods instead of sand bags. Which is out off date. To stop the floods trap the water as soon as it hits the ground rivers need dredging 40 foot dia pipes underground leading to the sea it can be controlled have the plans that would save a lot of money many thanks John Welsh .
11/13/2019 4:06:52 AM
Dear Mr B Johnson
Two questions. one It is obvious that Jeremy Corbyn does NOT want to leave the E. U, so can not you just go over his head and ask the E. U to kick us out anyway and wash their hands of us. 2. I am without a job. At present it seems legal to have a monkey as a pet. Can owning a monkey as a pet be made illegal as this practice is cruel. The passing of this law would open a door into a career opportunity as I could work for Monkey World at my own home, by reporting company's to the police. Then Monkey World do their rescue bit and do the rest. All I need to do is pose "as a online customer" and get paid for it.
11/24/2019 12:41:08 PM
Boris Johnson sucht Mitarbeiter mit besonderen Begabungen. Ich würde gern mit GOSSBRITANNIEN zusammen WELTWUNDER machen, denn es gibt sie REAl, aber noch keine HILFE
Der Start war übrigens bei meinem 1. Besuch in Ihrem Land auf dem Kanal mit Münzen der QUEEN. Inzwischen sind es Gold- und Naturwunder. Farbige Metalle und Lichtwunder. In meiner Wohnung habe ich reale BLUMENWUNDER stehen, so you. A. Eine Hyazinthe zum Beispiel mit six Blüten, aber auch five Blüten, three Blüten und two Blüten + alle immer aus einer Zwiebel heraus. Kleine Goldstücken habe ich täglich, aber da sie oft gestohlen werden, verwende ich sie i am kosmetischen Sinne an mir. Gern besuche ich nachmittags täglich die Bibliothek i am Vorort von Esbjerg, in Sædding, und informiere mich vom Weltgeschehen. Schade, die schönste Geschichte der ERDE hat keine Hilfe
Gibt es deshalb REAL so viele Probleme noch auf der WELT?
Man sollte es ändern
Boris Johnson hat für den BREXIT so hart gekämpft, wie ich es i am Stillen schon lange tue. Er hat es geschafft + ich will es auch
Vorzeigbar habe ich Beweise und da es bisher keine Annahme gab, warten die allerbesten WUNDER bestimmt noch auf tollste WIRKUNG
Helfen Sie bitte und ich mache gern mit IHNEN WELTWUNDER REAL
Kommen Sie für die RETTUNG der allerschönsten WAHRHEITEN der ERDE Ich hatte aber auch schon in einem Saurierbuch 138 Intarsien und möchte nicht, dass uns das gleiche Schicksal der Sauriere auch passiert als Menschen, nur wegen Verweigerung der Annahme der Lebensweltrettungswunder
Kommen Sie bitte, meine Adresse:
Annelies Inge Brendel
Thinghoys alle`16 D three m
6700 Esbjerg
Ich wünsche mir, mein Brief ist der interessanteste aller eingegangenen Schreiben und findet Interesse Prüfen Sie, lassen Sie uns Wunder reichen Es wäre mir eine Freude
Annelies Inge Brendel
Sæddingbibliothek, den 13. 1. 2020.
1/13/2020 8:59:39 AM